Thursday, August 11, 2011

lollipops and bubblegums

So what is money exactly?

For so many years I had a definite perception that the blighted thing is the single most powerful intsrument to buy for oneself things such as cars or a computer or a snack.Surely the musings of a naive mindset.

But imagine the bout of unrestricted madness that filled my facial expressions, when I found out that when i have a currency note, it invariably implies that i possesses a speck of gold in the national reserve.Well, it was a revolutionary thought for my realtively pea-sized brain.Now that i come to think of it,it isnt that a dynamic thought as i thought it was.For the simple reason,that any local bank would throw me into a mental asylum if i demanded my share of gold (even if its only a speck of it).

So I went digging further to understand the ‘intricacies’ of world economy..As i scrape through the this ‘rocket science’ of gibberish,with such words as regulation,devalutaion,liquidity i come up with certain conclusion as regards to money,recent recession and try to complete the process in a circle.

1) I had many friend had many bubblegums..he was tired of blowing..i was tired of licking..we exchanged..pure business..exact business..definite purpose..and now as i gather an obsolete thing..apparently this heavenly simple thing was called a barter..its extinct pitiful

2) Civiilisation makes amends..brings in ‘exchange medium’ for an asset..birth of a money u had to give these notes for the lollipops..and also give for the bubble gum..u wud say same they make it complicated..civilisation tells me lollipops come at more notes than gums..i become more demanding to my friend..bloody civilisation creates a tiff between 2 perfectly good friends..

3) Civilisation comes up with a most novel the notes actually represent a yellowish thing called gold..

4) The above points carried on for ages...shift to present recession..some idiots I hear on the news give loans for houses to the penniless in america..they invest on the penniless..and one day come to their senses and say...”Hey,these guys are where do we get our pennies”..and rather appalingly absurd is the fact that the banks of the world provide loans to the penniless for homes..that starts what is known as recession...(Dont go by my word,its what the experts kept blabbering on the TV using the same gibberish financial terms) stupid can that invest in the penniless for pennies..its like one friend giving the other bubblegums expecting lollipops in return..only the other one didnt have any...and rather stupidly the first friend knew that the 2nd didnt have lollipops..what were they waiting for...rain of lollipops??

5) The world pumps in money end recession..only the tiny problem is..the debt is in here comes the there actually multitrillion worth of gold that this money represents??

6) Birth of new money does not equal total gold..voila..!! Now that i think of it,it doesnt take an einstein to figure that printing notes is cheaper than buying or finding gold..and there are also conspiracy theories floating around that some guy called Nixon in america , started this trend of imbalancing money and gold...way back in 1971..

7) We jump from world level to local level...all people around me are buying new ipods,cars and apartments..i say only select few afford it...but no ..the whole city can afford it now..that gives a fishy feeling..a feeling that all governments around the world like to create imbalance in money and gold..

8) Now it dawns upon me like a zen monk..we live on partly trash currency..thats why a litre of petrol costs so much i say..thats when i grasp the real meaning of the gibberish term ‘inflation’..

9) But now is where it gets really amusing..suppose prices of all things absurd levels..the government will have to lower the prices ... for the sake of what is the possible alternative?? Bring the gold equal to the what would it need to do? Bring down the value of trash money...How is that possible...that will be possible after 2 or 3 generations from now when our great great grandchildren will earn money equivalent to our great great value..

10) And that brings me to an enterprising prospect that as the stray cash wears off, we may just go back to bartering after a few the uncomplicated version of lollipops and the friendship of two friends.. and the completion of the circle..

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