Wednesday, May 21, 2014

3 Reasons Why Mr Modi Is The Right Man For The Job

Now, as the ‘dust’ of our longest election settles, we hear murmurs of ‘intellectuals’ who carefully, congratulate the BJP and go on to explain why the nation must collectively keep a vigil on the PM designate Mr.Modi lest he wavers off the ‘path’.The collective rhetoric of how Modi can be the biggest travesty to the nation, has been part of national news since what seems eternity.And from the looks of it, even now, it ceases to stop, albeit in hushed tones.
As an individual, with no experience of any background, pertaining to national service as such, why would Modi appeal to my general sensibilities, is a lingering question.Even now.What I can do is, easily enumerate three points as to why me and many like me have supported Modi.


Lets face it.We as a nation have been denied the opportunity to hear mature public discourses for well over a decade.Being a youth, I have heard my elders go on and on about how they would dream for statesman like Vajpayee or Narsimha Rao or even Rajiv Gandhi, deliver a speech to the common Indian in their hometown.They would nostalgically remember how and when they went in rapt attention to hear views from influential personalities.And being a youth of today, I would find that very fascinating to hear.Not because I wanted to know what the yesteryear politicians said in those days.But to ponder over the curiosity, that I absolutely couldn't relate to it.

At this juncture, Mr.Modi brought that tradition back.Constant speeches on different topics in different cities over the course of a year, littered with rhetoric and narrative of a vision he upheld.He gave four speeches in my hometown.And each and everyone had a new topic.The fact that they may be littered with exaggerations and bravado was exactly the sort of thing which was immaterial and necessary at the same time.Whenever Mr.Modi referred to India as his Mother (whether he meant so or not is immaterial), it would give the listeners a gravity of emotion synonymous to patriotism.Such narratives set a basic tone for every public address.Even such references as ‘Shehzaade’ to Mr.Rahul Gandhi, fell under the very gamut of mature mischief.Such addresses, in the last few months have given rise to the belief that, here is a man who can wield complex issues on the tip of his tongue, by the dint of his verbal dexterity.It shows a clarity of thought.Every resounding applause for his words, will become a burden for him.This in turn will drive him to serve the nation.


This person is a 4 time unanimously elected Chief Minister. Amidst, the marshes of rhetoric, as the ‘intellectuals’ believe, surely resides a speck of glittering brain.

His range of topics, in every speech was impressive.His short term, easy to sound, easy to hear solutions, even if flawed, were an impressive balm for the swollen and bruised economy.Now by no means, they may be the right solutions.But here was a person who was offering solutions to the best of his ability.A person who has been at the helm of affairs, doling out mass solutions like bullet points out of a kindergarten textbook, was exactly the kind of thing people wanted to hear.Simple points like linking of rivers to canals seemed like one such solution to tackle water shortage.To implement it at national level may not be a child's play.But it is a solution.A baby brained, deterministic solution at that, but a definite solution.Mr Chidambaram may chide Mr.Modi for not having enough economic sense to understand the implications and the problems of his expectations and ideas.But the fact of the matter remained, that neither Mr.Chidambaram nor Mr.Ahluwalia, in any speech or interview, gave a clear understanding in layman terms, of what was wrong and what needs to be done.In essence, their mature discourses on Indian economy, whenever inflation increased or output decreased, were nothing short of closet cynicism with regards to economic recovery.This was always candy-flossed as their superior knowledge of economics.

Mr.Modi did not just project himself as a motor mouth of solutions on national issues.He was in charge of a state ministry and working committees which gave lucid, clear and structural points on many issues of national and regional importance.Case in point, the working committee on essential commodities under the stewardship of Mr.Modi, submitted a report in 2011 to the Prime Minister.It highlighted many measures to stop inflation and exploitation of farmers to bring down prices of essential commodities.Two of the most important points in the report were, setting up a network of cold storages and temporarily stopping futures markets on essential commodities.It doesn't take a smart man to figure out that cold storage benefits supply chain of essential commodities.But it takes a smart man to know that cold storage is the solution.Even if Mr.Modi, did not think of cold storage himself, the brains to identify that particular point as a solution and uplift it as an actionable plan deserves merit.

These particular nuances cannot be incorporated by any individual, unless he/she is a smart politician.Being a chief minister for long, puts him in the perfect position to see things at grassroots as well as nationally at equal distance and come up with quick blueprints on various issues.


Since hundreds of years, Indians as a thumb rule, has been a model society of 'anti-establishmentarianism'. The Mughals ruled comprehensively for 200 odd years.The British ruled for 200 years.The 1857 revolutionaries loosely joined under the banner of Bahadur Shah Zafar, even as a namesake, to fight the British.The Gandhi family, whether you like it or not is here to stay for proverbial eternity as well.Which is not wrong any in sense.Indians like to derive faith from a fulcrum.A focal point is always our unifying factor.This was evidenced after Indira Gandhi’s death and the subsequent polls which gave the Congress a colossal never before, never after vote share.All the Gandhi family members have been in varying degrees, not bad PM’s. Not bad at all.Each one had a vision of their own.Each one had an individual idea.And to come to think of it, India would have voted for Gandhi once again, this time too.Had it been a relatively competent person.

It has to be admitted.Mr.Rahul Gandhi is certainly not worthy to be a Prime Minister.Nor a Minister.Not at this juncture certainly.I admit, the personality has some positive traits.His emphasis on youth in the party,the idea of primaries to contest Lok Sabha polls.His desire to connect with the Dalits,even if it may fall under exhibitionism, is admirable.But the right heart has to couple with the right mind to hold public office.Mr.Gandhi’s apparent denial to work in an official Indian Government position, where he may have been able to implement his ideas, full-fledged, is his downfall.Not to mention, were his speeches which ranged from lackluster at best to incoherent at worst.Had Rahul Gandhi been in an official position, as a mayor, Minister of state or just a head of a vital committee, and developed a single idea to conclusion, he would have given Mr.Modi a run for his money.